Neuromuscular Re-education

Are you looking for Neuromuscular Re-education in the Enumclaw area?

Neuromuscular Re-education - Enumclaw Massage TherapyNeuromuscular Re-education is a technique used to help restore healthy appropriate movement by practicing the healthy movement repeatedly (thereby retraining the brain).  When nerve or muscle impairment is present from any number of causes (stroke, medical condition, injury, trauma, etc.), the communication between the nerves and muscles can actually become confused thereby disrupting motor patterns. This technique actually assists in “re-educating” brain-to-muscle signals which have, in a sense,”jumped the track.” It is used to improve balance, strength, positional awareness, improve ambulation, and activities of daily living (ADLs), as well as help relieve chronic stiffness, tension and stress. This type of re-training therapy was developed by: Edward J. Koeneman, James B. Koeneman, Donald E. Herring, Robert S. Schultz (see: System and method for neuromuscular reeducation).

Call Mike Gibbons, LMT, at (360) 259-2895 to discuss including aspects of this type of therapy into your massage therapy treatment.